I am back from a two-week vacation to sunny Florida. It was good to see so many friends and relatives. And it is also good to be back home!

As readers of this newsletter know, I served as a licensed facilitator for Covey Leadership Center/Franklin Covey for 25 years, teaching “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” to Georgetown University employees.

Through facilitating that workshop, I learned and re-learned the value of trust in the workplace. Stephen Covey thought trust was so important for effective and productive organizations that he created a term to measure the amount of trust in interpersonal relationships: “The Emotional Bank Account.”

While I was administering the Continuing Legal Education Department at the Law Center, I created a survey that asked my colleagues to assess their level of trust in myself and my right-hand person. I handed out the form and asked people to submit their answers anonymously. When we received all the surveys back, we sat down and reviewed them.

We learned a great deal and revised certain leadership policies and behaviors.

As many of you know, Stephen Covey’s son, Stephen M.R. Covey, followed in his father’s footsteps, speaking, writing and consulting about leadership for companies and non-profits around the world. The younger Covey has also written several books.

One of those books is “The Speed of Trust,” which emphasizes the importance of trust in building relationships from the executive suite to the front lines. In this book, Covey discusses the critical need for trust between and among colleagues, between employees and customers, and between investors and executives.

Recently, a friend and colleague in the coaching space, Lynne Brown, admitted online that she, like me, is a big believer in the principles first espoused in “The Seven Habits” and later presented in “The Speed of Trust.”

Lynne, however, went one step further than me. She converted “The 13 Behaviors of Trust” included in “The Speed of Trust” into a Survey Monkey Assessment for work teams.

She then administers the survey to team members anonymously and facilitates a team retreat about how to enhance their trust behaviors with one another. Lynne then administers the survey quarterly for one year for their check-ins and course corrections.

Lynne has graciously agreed to share her survey form with my newsletter subscribers. I thank Lynne profusely and encourage you to use her form, which I have printed below.

Use it wisely and well.

13 Behaviors of High Trust 
How do you rate yourselves as a team with one another?

Behavior Strength? Challenge?
Talk Straight
Tell the truth. Let people know where you stand. Demonstrate integrity.
Demonstrate Respect
Show that you genuinely care. Respect everyone, even those who can’t do anything for you. Show kindness in little things.
Create Transparency
Be genuine, open, and authentic. Don’t hide information or have “hidden agendas.” Operate on the premise of “what you see is what you get.”
Right Wrongs
Apologize quickly. Make restitution where possible. Demonstrate personal humility. Don’t cover things up. Do the right thing.
Show Loyalty
Give credit to others. Be loyal to the absent. Represent others who aren’t there to speak for themselves. Don’t talk negatively about others behind their backs.
Deliver Results
Establish a track record of results. Accomplish what you are hired to do. Don’t over promise and under deliver. Don’t make excuses for not delivering.
Get Better
Continuously learn and improve. Increase your capabilities. Develop formal and informal feedback systems. Thank people for feedback. Act upon feedback received.
Confront Reality
Meet issues head on. Address the tough stuff directly. Acknowledge the unsaid. Lead conversations courageously.
Clarify Expectations
Disclose and reveal expectations. Discuss and validate them. Renegotiate them if necessary. Ensure expectations are clear.
Practice Accountability
Hold yourself and others accountable. Take responsibility for good or bad results. Clearly communicate how everyone is doing.
Listen First
Listen before you speak. Listen with your ears, eyes, and heart. Understand. Diagnose. Don’t assume, find out.
Keep Commitments
State your intent and then do it. Make commitments carefully. Make keeping your commitments the symbol of your honor. Don’t break confidences.
Extend Trust
Extend trust abundantly to those who have earned your trust. Extend trust conditionally to those who are earning your trust. Don’t withhold trust because risk is involved.

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