Coaching Individuals 2021-03-22T01:43:37-04:00

The success of one-on-one coaching rests partly on an acknowledgement of what coaching is not, and such acknowledgement avoids unmet or unrealistic expectations:

  • Coaching is not consulting: The coach is not there to give the client solutions to work problems

  • Coaching is not developing a friendship with the client: The coach does not “side” with the client against work colleagues or managers or socialize with the client

  • Coaching is not mentoring: The coach is not there to provide ongoing advice to the client about upward advancement in the organization
  • Coaching is not counselling or therapy: The coach does not analyze the client’s past experiences or behaviours, but rather focuses with the client on the future

To expedite the coaching process, the coach will seek input from key stakeholders in the client’s work life.  These will include peers, direct reports and managers.  Themes will be identified and discussed.  Coach and client will discuss what the client is doing well and areas in which the client would like to improve.  In an individualized coaching contract, the client will specify behaviours and attitudes to be addressed.  Importantly, the coach and client together will agree upon what success will look like – how improvement will be measured.

During the coaching engagement, clients gain enhanced self-awareness as they explore their paradigms, beliefs and relationships. They grow into their true authenticity and recognize the privilege to serve as “people farmers” for the team members they lead. During this exciting journey, the coach and client are in partnership, a partnership based on trust, integrity and the power of questioning.

The Proven Power of Coaching

Thousands of organizations across the globe have learned that coaching helps leaders grow, feel more engaged and be more productive, but it can also help them achieve their high-priority goals.

See improved team functioning*
See higher employee engagement*
Enjoy increased productivity*
Have faster onboarding*
See faster leadership development*

*According to Human Capital Institute (HCI) and the International Coach Federation (ICF)

Higher rating in employing the best people, developing employees and retaining their top talent**

**According to a Bersin by Deloitte research study

I invite you to join me on this exhilarating journey