LEADERS WELCOME 360 REVIEWS – PART II 2023-04-03T05:19:50-04:00


Last week I wrote about the value of 360 reviews and gave you a number of sample questions to use. Interestingly, during this past week my son Ben emailed me to let me know he had just participated in a 360 review for his own manager.

I am curious to know whether you have received a 360 review lately or whether you have participated in one. Let me know about your experiences with these reviews.

Today, in part II, I am including a number of additional questions you can utilize during a 360 review. I hope these are helpful for you or your HR department:

-When you first met your leader, what were your impressions of him or her?

– How have your perceptions of this leader changed over time?

– You know you can depend on this leader for what? (You would go to him or her for what knowledge, skill, or ability?)

-What would you hesitate to rely on your leader for?

– What is one wish you would have for the leader over the next six months?

-What is the one thing they could work on in the next 6 – 12 months to have the highest impact on their role as a leader?

-What do you see as their most important accomplishment(s) in the last year?

-How do they lead change? What advice would you give?

-If you were leading the organization, what might you do differently?

-If you could privately tell them one thing–maybe something you haven’t told them before–what would it be?

-What’s the single most important thing you, as an individual, can do to support them in their continued leadership growth?

– Even if you don’t necessarily agree, what might their worst critic say about them?

-In what ways have you seen them develop already?

-What skills do they need to develop to progress?

-How would you describe their collaboration style?

-How would you describe their communication style?

-What professional development courses would be impactful for this leader?

-What experiences (shadowing, mentoring, volunteering, working at another branch of the organization) could this leader benefit from?

Please remember that 360 reviews can be wonderful tools for personal and professional growth. If you are asked to participate in one for your manager, take it seriously and make time to provide meaningful responses.

If you are given the opportunity to be the beneficiary of a 360 review, I encourage you to see it as a learning experience, one that has the potential to help you become a more effective leader.

If you believe this content would resonate with a friend or colleague, please feel free to forward it along!
