LEADERSHIP AND FATHERS DAY 2023-06-19T01:23:27-04:00


Happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there reading this newsletter. I hope you are enjoying a wonderful day. And if you are not a father, I encourage you to keep reading because this newsletter edition can apply to you as well.

As I reflect on this Father’s Day, I miss being with my two sons in person. On the other hand, I do relish the relationship I have developed with each of them during the past three decades. Much of what I have tried to teach them revolves around leadership. In fact, they were both instrumental in encouraging me to start this weekly newsletter three years ago. Thank you for that, boys.

Usually the leadership subjects I address here revolve around leadership in the workplace. However, as I have written previously, the workplace is only one aspect of our lives where we can demonstrate and practice good leadership. As fathers – and mothers – and even if we are not parents – we can also serve as leadership role models in our personal lives every day.

How can we do that?

-We can get involved in our children’s education as leaders in the PTA

-We can serve as coaches in a variety of team sports

-If we belong to a religious institution, we can serve as a leader at our church, synagogue or mosque

-We can find a non-profit organization that matches one of our passions and get involved in leadership roles there

-We can strive for leadership roles in regional or national associations that correspond with our occupations

-We can mentor younger professionals in our areas of work

-We can fill leadership roles within our college or grad school alumni organizations

-We can mentor graduate or college students from our own alma maters

-We can provide job help to students about to graduate from those same alma maters

-We can serve as volunteer leaders within our own local governments

-We can offer to mentor the friends of our adult children when they are seeking professional guidance

-We can serve as leaders for our own homeowner or community associations

These are only a few examples of the leadership roles we can all play outside our jobs. They can all be meaningful and rewarding. I know because I have been fortunate to play all these leadership roles during the past several decades.

And I always have received more from my activities than I put into them – wonderful relationships, gratifying personal growth and an abiding sense of accomplishment.

So if you are a father, a mother, or neither, please reflect on your life at this moment.

How can you serve as a leader outside your workplace?

What positive difference can you make in the lives of others?

How can you enrich your own life at the same time?
Go do it!

If you believe this content would resonate with a friend or colleague, please feel free to forward it along!
