Setting Goals That Matter 2021-02-04T07:16:37-05:00

Setting Goals That Matter

As we enter this new year of 2021, many of us will focus on setting goals for the 12 months ahead.  Leaders can set goals for themselves and for their organizations.

My wife and I have been setting annual family goals for three decades, starting when our children were born.  Each January we divided our goals into categories: family, financial, vacation and travel, physical, mental and spiritual.

As each year progressed, we would periodically check our progress on meeting those goals and adjust when necessary.

Many years ago, when I was first exposed to Stephen Covey’s “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” I was struck by a strong declaration Covey made based on his research.  Covey claimed that the one trait that most separated effective people from ineffective people was this: Effective people set goals.

That is a simple but powerful statement.

How does it sit with you?

Do you set personal goals at the beginning of the year?

Family goals?

Social goals?

Financial goals?

Health goals?

How about for your organization?  As a leader, do you make sure to help your team create and pursue meaningful goals for the year?

Most groups set financial goals and client development goals.  What about other professional goals?

Your own professional development goals?

Professional development goals for your leadership team?

Development goals for your other colleagues?

Goals for enhancing your team’s culture?

In 2021, goals for adjusting to the effects of the pandemic?

Most research shows that people who make New Year’s Resolutions abandon those resolutions within six weeks.  They may sound good on January 1, but keeping resolutions for meaningful time into the year demands behavior change, attitude adjustment and significant internal motivation.

So look in the mirror.

Explore your intentions.

Examine your purpose.

Do not write down New Year’s resolutions until and unless you are truly serious about achieving them.

For each goal, create a tangible strategy for achieving it.

Create timelines.

Enlist allies and supporters.

Make serious commitments to yourself and share them with others you trust.

Goal-setting is a wonderful practice, for us as individuals and for our teams.  When we choose to engage in this practice, let’s be serious about it.

NOTE: As the year opens, I have five openings in my leadership coaching practice.  If you are interested in coaching, let me know.  I am happy to offer subscribers of this newsletter a 33% discount.