Tips from a Leadership Guru on Trust 2021-02-23T01:33:52-05:00

Tips From A Leadership Guru On Trust

In 2016, The Ken Blanchard Companies released two simple behavior lists associated with trust.  Now, four years later, amid a pandemic, trust is more important than ever.

Last week we talked about ways to build a high-trust culture.  Now we are presenting examples of specific behaviors that will promote – and detract from – the sustaining of trust.

As you review these lists, think about your own office and how people behave daily, whether it be in person, on the phone or via Zoom:

Trust Boosters:

  • Displaying capacity in their role
  • Having a track record of success
  • Acting honestly, ethically and legally
  • Admitting mistakes
  • Asking for and receiving feedback openly
  • Listening with the intent of being influenced
  • Being consistent in word and deed
  • Following through on commitments

Trust Busters

  • Not following through on commitments
  • Being unorganized and unresponsive
  • Playing favorites or treating people unfairly
  • Not recognizing and rewarding others’ contributions
  • Hoarding information
  • Gossiping or not keeping confidences
  • Not having or developing the skills needed for their role
  • Avoiding conflict or not holding people accountable

As you think about building a high-trust culture in your office, remember why such a culture is paramount for your success.

It is the foundation of people at all levels working cohesively and is the glue that holds your office together.

In most offices, high trust is a pre-condition to risk-taking and innovation.  Thus, it is incumbent upon us as leaders to always be monitoring the environment and guard against the “trust busters” gaining a foothold.

It is equally important to promote behaviors and activities that build trust and perpetuate it on an ongoing basis.

Remain cognizant.  Notice what is happening.  Take action.