Leadership Coaching Philosophy

Leadership coaching is based upon the belief that clients are  whole. The coach’s role is to work in partnership with clients helping them fulfill their leadership potential.  The coach creates a safe space for clients to explore their leadership beliefs, experience and aspirations.  The coach becomes the “guide on the side, ” holding clients’s experiences up to a mirror and helping clients explore their own paradigms and beliefs about leadership and their own organizations.

The coach always operates in service to clients, helping them examine unexplored beliefs and assumptions about themselves and others. The coach helps clients identify those areas upon which clients wish to focus, providing tools and resources to expedite clients’  personal and professional development.

As they journey together down the leadership path, the coach and clients examine successes and failures, interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence, professional experiences and aspirations, and the connection between clients’ private and professional lives.

During the coaching engagement, the coach will challenge clients with reading assignments, journaling suggestions, and homework that allow clients to examine issues in greater depth between coaching sessions. The coach may also collect feedback from supervisors, colleagues and customers, all with the intent of helping clients see themselves as others see them.

By | 2017-06-28T13:40:08-04:00 January 1st, 2016|Leadership|0 Comments